Welcome to NZOWASCO's Payment Options Guide, where we provide you with convenient, secure, and flexible ways to manage your water and sanitation bills. Our aim is to make the payment process as seamless as possible, offering multiple options to suit your needs and ensure uninterrupted access to our services.

Query and Pay your Water Bill Balance by Phone


  • Simply dial *873*63#
  • Select option 1 and follow the prompts
  • Choose your account number
  • Click Send

NZOWASCO maji app

  • Download the app from playstore and register
  • Add your account
  • Select lipa maji
  • Click proceed to payment

Lipa na M-pesa

+ Go to Lipa na Mpesa
+ Select PayBill
+ Enter Business No: 548600
+ Enter Account No
+ Enter Amount
+ Enter Mpesa Pin

You can also pay through any any Equity Bank branch or agent located near you using the ACCOUNT NUMBER:

+ Select myMoney
+ Select EzzyPay
+ Enter PayBill No: 548600
+ Enter Account No
+ Enter Pin & Confirm



You can also pay through any any KCB branch or agent located near you using the ACCOUNT NUMBER: