The Board of Directors Shall ensure that there is economic and efficient in the utilization and management of assests allocated to Nzoia Waters Services Company (NZOWASCO) by Lake Victoria North Waters Services Board(LVNWSB) and in the provision of water services within the company's service area as prescribed in the Service Provision Agreement(SPA).

Mission Statement:

"To avail effective leadership by ensuring wealth creation to stakeholders through quality water and sanitation services provision."

View Board Members

a) To provide the ultimate direction to the organization;
b) To formulate, review, understand, assess and approve the organizations’ key policies;
c) To assess and understand the issues, forces and risks that defines and drives the organization’s core business;
d) To maximize shareholder value;
e) To ensure that the organization acts in a socially responsible manner to foster the sustainability of the organization in its wider socio-economic environment;
f) To ultimately take responsibility for meeting the demand for water services in our respective areas of responsibility, bearing in mind that the Board Members, both individually and collectively, are answerable in law and in the wider society for the success or failure of their organizations.

The Board shall be:
a) Committed to the delivery of quality customer service;
b) Committed to good governance, transparency and accountability;
c) Committed to adhere to competence and performance;
d) Committed to teamwork, networking and collaborations with others;
e) Committed to innovation and continuous learning;
f) Committed to fostering socio-economic development;
g) Committed to equal employment opportunity and gender parity;
h) Committed to environmental conservation.