The Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is raising many questions for the water supply and wastewater sector around the world. This includes the public seeking reassurance about potential concerns. The organisations who provide water and wastewater services have to respond to this and cope with the direct impact of the pandemic on their workforces. Attention to the crucial contribution of handwashing in preventing the spread of the disease is highlighting the importance of access to water supply, sanitation and hygiene. The list goes on.

Information is key. Here we provide links to some of the leading and most respected sources to help support understanding and discussion at this crucial time.

Among these sources, the World Health Organization is a primary reference point. Its most recent guidance summarises current thinking. Importantly, this includes thinking built on the substantial relevant understanding of coronaviruses, including that gained regarding the SARS outbreak of 2003. Further information is provided by organisations such as national health agencies and research organisations.

The activities of water supply and wastewater service providers are already directed at protecting public health, especially from pathogens. Covid-19 is nonetheless a new disease. We will aim to support discussion on issues requiring attention, especially the evolving science.

Alongside this, water supply and wastewater operators provide an essential service. The information sources cover the need to protect and prioritise this workforce in times of need, as well as the safety of staff in their work environment.

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